My World

The world according to me!

Archive for Media

Why I Need a Job

I’m one of those girls who  dreams of fashion. I have the perfect outfit styled and accessorised to perfection in my head for various occasions. Unfortunately my budget, location etc sometimes conspire against me. Though it’s been a while I wanted to share my new fantasies with you.

First up is the Mama Ring by Peace Images. How could I not want this desperately? It’s practically calling my name.

Just a word of caution, homegirl is talented, so browsing her site could lead you into poverty. I also really love this blue agate ring, and could see me placing an order for both at the same time.

I was updating our blog listing at work and happened upon this quirky fashion site: Kingdom of Style. It wasn’t really my style, but the artistic vision was intriguing so I clicked through some links until I met the love of my life.

I like the idea of these in purple, as seen on “Samantha” in Sex in the City 2. The key would be to keep the rest of the outfit simple. admit it, aren’t these earrings just made to be worn with a rockin’ afro puff?

Sigh, I need a job.

Ah-Dore this Ad!

I’ve never flown with BA. But this advertisement, filmed  in T&T is gorgeous. As a Trini, I approve, I approve, I approve.

The British Airways’ Caribbean Carnivals advertisement: really lovely.

Project 2010

My lovely Twitter friend GWTO messaged me a while ago with this unique preposition: to create a post for his blog about my favourite song. That’s actually difficult for me, because if you read my blog, you know that I love all types of songs, and I have lots of favourites across genres.

I had lots of songs running through my head; Aap Jaisa Koi, which I hunted down obsessively; UpTown Top Rankin, the Tight’n Up version; and Firey by Meastro, my motto for 2010.

All great options, but then reality struck. I’m in the UK for a year doing my Post-Grad degree. This means I’ll be missing Carnival for the 4th time in my life. I love mas, even if I don’t play I must watch. I love the Kings and Queens competition, going to the tents and the fetes. Missing it is going to be hard, but not as traumatic as my first time. Again my education was to blame, on Ash Wednesday I lay on my bed in Jamaica and cried.

I’ve never played J’Ouvert though I respect the tradition tremendously. However I love J’Ouvert calypso and soca because it has an earthiness that’s missing in the typical fare. Powder by Machel, Blue by 3 Canal, and Benjai’s Tanty are my favourites in this genre (that La Douma riddim is pres-SHA!).

But I’m a sentimental fool, so I had to select the song that introduced me to this genre. When it came out, I was in Montessori (Happy Vale in Diego). We were playing sweeties in the school Carnival, my mother made this horrible brown jumper with red ruffles because I was supposed to be a toffee. Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling that portrayal, or maybe I was bewitched by Penguin because I told anyone who asked that I was “De devil dey!” True story.

Nuff said,  please enjoy my selection.

NB: This post first appeared on the blog:

Do You Hear What I Hear

This one of my favourite Christmas songs. O Holy Night is my all time favourite, but Whitney Houston’s version of this song has rocketed to 2nd place in my heart. If I listen to it intently I will cry.

So in the spirit of the season, I found this video of her performing it on Jay Leno. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas

Internet Lackary

I don’t know how the gossip mags are making out in these times with  the stiff competition they’re getting from the blogs. I for one not spending a cent on the slackness when I can get it for free online.  It’s no secret that print is suffering, while I’ll still buy fashion magazine (despite my reservations about them) gossip mags just can’t get any play from me.

Why? Let me list my reasons for you:

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Songs About Guys Who Are Sprung

I really love Drakes song – You’re the Best. It’s nice to hear a rap song about fidelity and commitment, however it’s couched. I then because men aren’t really encouraged to show emotion, and according to the media, they’re supposed to treat romantic entanglements as a search for more sex.  When an artist goes against the grain, or laughs at the status-quo, the result is often, funny, catchy and relatable.

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Soca Awards

The International Soca Awards will take place on the island of Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos on October 30th.  The awards  were started in 2003 by Colin Jackman as a way to recognise the work of our hard-working soca artists.

Well the list of nominees is out: To be eligible your song should have been released between June 1st 2008 to May 31st 2009.

I wasn’t too pleased with some of the selections, but that’s always the case with me and awards. Some of the usual suspects were there, and some weren’t.

So in a moment of idleness I decided to put up my picks for who should win. In other words here’s the list of my favourites in each category:

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Skittle Nails

I used to be a nail polish fiend. But that was when I was in primary school and had just discovered that when I don’t bite them down to the quick, my nails grow fast and long. They also get too hard to bite easily. In other words discovering nail polish helped me discover that I had nice nails naturally.

I decided early that traditional nail colours were cool, but funky colours were better. Hence the reds, greens, purples and yellows. I was never into black because of it’s link to the occult. That has since changed, now everyone wears black nail polish. At the time though I used Revlon’s Vixen nail polish: a colour I genuinely loved.  It was (as you can seen in the link)  a really dark burgundy.

I remember wanting to paint my nails in Rasta colours. I refused to rest until I found the perfect green and yellow shades to complete the look.

But my love was short-lived, school started and I had to stop wearing my nail polish. Also, it’s difficult for me to apply neatly, and the waiting for it to dry is a pain. Every now and then I buy some colours. Even if I don’t paint my finger nails, my toes will be done.

Since I’m on vacation, I bought come cheepie nail polish from the icing and painted each nail in a different colour. This time the practise has a name, it’s called Skittling, like the rainbow coloured candies I used to love. I was younger it had no such name other than playing with nail polish, but whatever.

Here’s a peek at my efforts.

The pictures don’t show the horrible streaking on my nails. And oddly enough it looks OK in the sunlight. But seriously, buy quality nail polish. You get better coverage, truer colour application and the formulations are much safer. It’s still on my nails as I type this, but they’re coming off today.

Fellowship of the Rings

Fashion to me should be fun. And jewelry should be special. If I had to describe my style, it would be classic with a kick. By that I mean: rings shaped like squares, matte gold jewelry, you know stuff like that. That’s why  I was so attracted to the whole concept of coloured diamonds.

Oddly enough though, I find the best jewelry comes from the smaller jeweller. The ones who are so into their designs, and create really original pieces. I know there are some standard settings, but sometimes what limits you can inspire greatness. I love the jewelers who are really artists and used metal and precious stones as their medium.

I’m not an artist myself, but I have ideas in my head for jewelry, and once the funds are there plan to “design” some pieces with a trusted jeweler. I’m very picky and custom jewelry fits my control-freak personality.

In real life I don’t wear alot. My only mandatory jewelry is my rosary ring, I always try to have a gold and a silver one so I can always wear one when I go out. I don’t wear earrings regularly, though I want to. I plan to get some studs for my ears. They’re pierced twice, and I need to keep the newer holes open. I’ve just been slack.

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My Paper Anniversary of Blogging

I’ve just completed one year as a blogger. My first blog was called GoodFaith, but I couldn’t keep up with 2 blogs, so I cancelled it and moved those posts here.

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