My World

The world according to me!

Archive for Favourite Things

I ♥ Karen Millen

I ♥ Karen Millen

I ♥ Karen Millen by MsGrey featuring a shirt dress

I fallen really hard for the UK clothing brand Karen Millen. I swear my goal in life is to be able to afford their clothes and shoes (swoon). Their aesthetic speaks to me. The dresses I’ve featured are very structured and are feminine takes on masculine silhouettes. Military shirts, the trench coats, button details; basically it features all the stuff I love. Don’t even start me on the pencil skirts. They I adore because they do amazing things for my shape and/or confidence.  Plus the brand’s heavily structured feminised-masculinity is evident in these pieces as well. What’s not to love?

To be fair these shoes were my introduction to the brand. The black court with the eyelet detail and the red accents is still my all time favourite.

Why I Need a Job

I’m one of those girls who  dreams of fashion. I have the perfect outfit styled and accessorised to perfection in my head for various occasions. Unfortunately my budget, location etc sometimes conspire against me. Though it’s been a while I wanted to share my new fantasies with you.

First up is the Mama Ring by Peace Images. How could I not want this desperately? It’s practically calling my name.

Just a word of caution, homegirl is talented, so browsing her site could lead you into poverty. I also really love this blue agate ring, and could see me placing an order for both at the same time.

I was updating our blog listing at work and happened upon this quirky fashion site: Kingdom of Style. It wasn’t really my style, but the artistic vision was intriguing so I clicked through some links until I met the love of my life.

I like the idea of these in purple, as seen on “Samantha” in Sex in the City 2. The key would be to keep the rest of the outfit simple. admit it, aren’t these earrings just made to be worn with a rockin’ afro puff?

Sigh, I need a job.

To a Brand New Year

No matter what you’re doing Old Year’s Night, I want to wish you all the best for 2010 and beyond. If 2009, sucked obviously 2010 will rock.

As you well know, next year I plan to come firey, so consider yourself warned. Whatever your plans are, here’s hoping they work out for the best.


Fiery Redux

Last year I wrote about the kaiso “Fiery” orginially by Maestro, remade by Bunji. Well my friend RemBunction posted this Mash-up on YouTube, oh Lord I love it.

So for your musical enjoyment.

PS: This is my motto for 2010, “Fiery, that is how I coming…”

Happy Christmas!

I’m spending my first Christmas in foreign. I don’t have anything special planned, just lunch with a friend, but I am grateful for all of my blessings. As I type this I’m playing the Daisy Voisin video I embedded in my first Christmas post on my blog.

Since her voice is never boring, it’s only fair for me to find another for you.

Not much of a video, but the song…

Here in the UK, they say Happy Christmas.

Do You Hear What I Hear

This one of my favourite Christmas songs. O Holy Night is my all time favourite, but Whitney Houston’s version of this song has rocketed to 2nd place in my heart. If I listen to it intently I will cry.

So in the spirit of the season, I found this video of her performing it on Jay Leno. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas

Save Your Skin

Someone needs to warn West Indian women about winter weather. It plays havoc on your skin. One day you have soft skin,  but a few hours here could have you looking like a brown lizard. I was buying cream after cream, trying to save my skin. Nivea was too thick (my mother insists on the one in the tin), Cuticura was too weak, and Vaseline didn’t last long enough.

My friend recommended Astral Cream or baby oil (for the stripper look). I, however, think I paying too much for a degree to adopt Stripper-wear, went for the former, thank goodness. I can’t vouch for it when the weather gets warmer. I’ve heard that January/ February are brutally cold, but I think that I’m prepared.

Flying High

I in MIA for a bit visiting my mother before I fly off AGAIN for school in LON. I hate flying, but I know my fear isn’t rational. Plus I love traveling, so I fight through it.

I had my camera with me in flight so I decided to take some pics to share with you.

My fear isn’t paralysing, thank God, but it makes the process all the more stressful. Hope you like the pics.

Breakfast of Champions

I made Sada this morning. I’ve been craving it whole week and today I caved. I also bought batteries for my camera so I decided to take photos of the process. For the first time I used the full recipe from the Naparima Cookbook, and it came out great.

Making sada is easy, the process is just a little messy and time consuming. But the results are so worth it. And it’s quite a filling and healthy breakfast, I don’t use any fat when cooking the roti. I use oil to cook both the tomato and bhaigan chokas, but not much.

I learned the sakaying process from the Chennette, she was commenting on TriniGourmet’s blog post on sada. It’s soo easy it’s ridiculous.

If you try it let me know how it turns out.

Bright Coloured Folder Paper

Got them!

My crazy, darling Mommy bought 4 packs, and sent them with my Uncle. And now, they’re in my possession.

Walgreens has them dirt cheap, so take a little trip for a low-cost purchase that could help spruce up the course work or journaling.
