My World

The world according to me!

Archive for Trinidad & Tobago

Breakfast of Champions

I made Sada this morning. I’ve been craving it whole week and today I caved. I also bought batteries for my camera so I decided to take photos of the process. For the first time I used the full recipe from the Naparima Cookbook, and it came out great.

Making sada is easy, the process is just a little messy and time consuming. But the results are so worth it. And it’s quite a filling and healthy breakfast, I don’t use any fat when cooking the roti. I use oil to cook both the tomato and bhaigan chokas, but not much.

I learned the sakaying process from the Chennette, she was commenting on TriniGourmet’s blog post on sada. It’s soo easy it’s ridiculous.

If you try it let me know how it turns out.

George Bailey:De Man, De Mas

I wanted to share with you, some of the reasons why name of the 1st Prize in the Large Band Category in the Parade of the Bands Competition is named after him. George Bailey was a brilliant designer, who was a stickler for detail. Dr. Eric Williams reportedly told school children if they wanted to know about Egypt they should look at Bailey’s Mas.

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Father Charles

Oh all the things you coulda get in trouble doing, yuh choose plagiarism. 1st year university students are schooled on the evils of plagiarism even before the they start class. That’s the level foolishness you’d be doing, Father Henry Charles?

By the way, the reason for your resignation, not ringing true. I’m not saying it isn’t but…

I can’t wait for the completely original apology in Mass, and in your Guardian column. You owe it to your disappointed public.

Ok Laika

There’s no question about it I’m a dog person. I’ve always been that way. The all encompassing love faithful dogs have for their owners gets to me. I love their noses, their temperament, their everything.

I have my preferences but really any dog will do. My younger brother even jokes that I could find cuteness in the mangiest pothound. That my favourite refrain is, “All they need is a little love.”

It’s true, I have a weakness for dogs. Hence the title of this post.

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hello-kitty-epson-computer-newThat’s a word my mother made-up to describe what she was doing on the computer. So instead of surfing the web, she’d say she’s “internetting”.

Anyway just wanted to share some of the best  stuff I read online this past week.

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Eating Healthy

It’s so easy, because of the proliferation of American media in Trinidad & Tobago, to discount our customs as inferior. Trying to figure out how to eat properly as an adult gets trickier, because everyone is touting some new miracle food, and it’s usually one we’re not likely to get in Trinidad and Tobago anytime soon. And if you can get it, it’s really expensive.

So I’m trying in my dotage, to re-learn some proper eating habits. And of course my pocket, and possibly health will benefit greatly from my looking to foods from home. In that vein when a friend of mine forwarded an email touting the superior health benefits of local foods, I  decided to keep it. I’m not sure who wrote the original, so I’ll summarize the contents and link to the relevant websites.

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My Diet

I’ve been thinking about my diet recently, and I feel like I need to make some changes. I keep wondering if I’m getting enough nutrients. So I think thatcaribbean-fruit I have to put some concrete plans in place.

My first plan will be to introduce more vegetables into my diet. When I last vacationed by my parents; they live in the US, I lost weight really easily. OK,  not easily, but it really wasn’t that hard. I ate less, and I ate more fruit.

My typical day went like this.

  • Start the morning with fresh juice: a fruit and veggie combo,  Daddy would make using his trusty juicer.
  • Have breakfast, possibly a sandwich, with tea and a fruit salad.
  • Lunch would be at 3pm. We’d start with a fresh salad, and then move on to the meal which will consist of a veggie side dish, meat, carbs and legumes.
  • Dinner would be sandwich, and tea.
  • Of course I’m snacking on fruits, nuts, and sneaking ice cream, cherry jam cookies, and the occassional chocolate in between.

And yes I lost weight, about 10 pounds over a three week period (give or take 2 pounds).

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Careful Faye-Ann

This has been a great year for Faye-Ann Lyons. Now comes news that after a hectic but successful Carnival she’s in hospital suffering from some complications with her pregnancy.  I wish Super mommy all the best.

When “Meet Super Blue” first came out I loved it instantly. Like the rest of T&T, I thought of how great her performance would be if she brought her father out to perform with her. She brought him out for the first time during Army Fete and people cried. Well she did it again for Soca Monarch and the rest is history.

The  whole of Trinidad knows about Super Blue’s problem with drugs. So any opportunity for this man to return to past glories is welcomed. I think his daughter’s song struck a chord with us. We citizens of a land not known for honouring our greats until it’s too late.

So to our young Soca Queen, “Thank you”. To those of you who don’t know Austin Lyons, meet Super Blue.

Update: Mr.  & Mrs. Alverez welcomed their bouncing baby girl this evening. My congrats to them both.

Penis Rulers?

Apparently Durex was giving out penis rulers at parties during Carnival. What parties though, none that I went to.


Over at Jezebel the ethnic chart is fueling debate. I just think the entire thing is just so silly.

The Merry Monarch Reigns

moko-jumbieWell, it’s begun; Trinidad & Tobago Carnival 2K-Wine. Dimanche Gras into J’Ouvert, into Pretty Mas we going until Ash Wednesday. The battle for the Road March begins now! To listen to some of the Contenders click here (you need an imeem account). Number 3 on the playlist has my vote!